Thursday, November 15, 2018


You guys know that there are too many commands in Auto CAD & we use various commands in various field but some of these are used as a basic command. Here I am going to discuss about some useful Auto CAD commands with its shortcut keys:


1 ADCENTER CTRL+2 Turns design center on/off
2 ADCENTER DC Opens designcenter
3 ADCENTER DC Opens designcenter
4 ADD A Adds each successive object, switches from remove
5 ALIGN AL Align an object with another
6 ALIGN AL Align an object with another
7 ALL ALL All objects on thawed layers
8 APPARENT INT APP Apparent intersection of 2 objects
9 APPLOAD AP Opens application load dialogue box
10 APPLOAD AP Opens application load dialogue box
11 ARC A Draw an arc
12 ARC A Draw an arc with 3 points
13 AREA AA Calculate the area
14 ARRAY AR Opens array dialogue box
15 ARRAY AR Make multiple copies of an object
16 ATTDEF ATT Opens attribute definition dialogue box
17 ATTEDIT ATTEDIT Edit attribute values for a specific block
18 AUDIT AUDIT Audit drawing for errors
19 BATTMAN BATTMAN Opens block attribute manager
20 BATTORDER BATTORDER Displays attribute order dialogue box
21 BCLOSE BC Closes the block editor
22 BCOUNT BCOUNT Counts the blocks in a drawing
23 BEDIT BE Opens the edit block definition dialogue box
24 BEDIT BE Opens the edit block definition dialogue box
25 BHATCH BH Opens hatch and gradient dialogue box
26 BLOCK B Opens block dialogue box in order to make a block
27 BLOCK B Opens block dialogue box
28 BLOCK B Opens block dialogue box in order to make a block
29 BOUNDARY BO Draw a boundary
30 BOX BOX Draw a cube
31 BREAK BR Break a line by defining 2 points
32 CENof CEN Snap to centre point
33 CHAMFER CHA Chamfer between 2 non-parallel lines
34 CHAMFER CHA Chamfer between 2 non-parallel lines
35 CIRCLE C Draw a circle
36 CIRCLE C Draw a circle
37 CLEANSCREEN CTRL+0 Turns user interface elements on/off
38 COLOR COL Opens select color dialogue box
40 COORDS F6 or CTRL+D Turns coordinate display on/off
41 COPY CO Copy an object
42 COPY CO or CP Copy object
43 COPYCLIP CTRL+C Copies objects to clipboard
44 COPYTOLAYER COPYTOLAYE Copy object from one layer to another
45 CPOLYGON CP Objects touching or enclosed by selection polygon
46 CROSSING C Objects touched or enclosed by window - Move right to left
47 CUTCLIP CTRL+X Removes select object from drawing to clipboard
48 CVPORT CTRL+R Switches between viewports
49 CYLINDER CYLINDER Draw a cylinder
50 DDCHPROP PR Opens properties dialogue box
51 DDEDIT ED Edit text
52 DDLTYPE LT Opens line type manager
53 DDOSNAP DS Opens drafting settings/object snap dialogue
54 DDOSNAP OS Opens drafting settings object snap dialogue
55 DDPTYPE DDPTYPE Opens point style dialogue box
56 DDPTYPE DDPTYPE Opens point style dialogue box
57 DDSTYLE ST Opens text style dialogue box
58 DDUCS DDUCS Opens ucs dialogue
59 DDUCS UC Displays UCS manager dialogue box
60 DDUCS UC Display UCS manager dialogue box
61 DDUCSP DDUCSP Opens ucs dialogue at orthographic tab
62 DIMALIGNED DAL Aligned linear dimension line
63 DIMANGULAR DAN Angular dimension line
64 DIMARC DAR Arc length dimension
65 DIMBASELINE DBA Ordinate dimension from baseline of previous dimension
66 DIMCENTER DIMCENTER Creates center mark
67 DIMCONTINUE DCO Ordinate dimension from 2nd extension line of previous dimension
68 DIMDIAMETER DDI Diameter dimension for circles and arcs
69 DIMEDIT DED Edit dimension text on dimension objects
70 DIMLINEAR DLI Linear dimension
71 DIMORDINATE DOR Ordinate point dimension
72 DIMOVERRIDE DOV Override dimension style
73 DIMRADIUS DRA Radial dimension for circles and arcs
74 DIMSTYLE D Opens dimstyle manager
75 DIMSTYLE D Opens dimension style manager dialogue box
76 DIMSTYLE D Opens dimension style manager dialogue box
77 DIST DI Check a distance
78 DIST DI Check a distance
79 DIST DI Calculate a distance and angle
80 DIVIDE DIV Inserts point node a set division
81 DIVIDE DIV Inserts point node a set division
82 DONUT DO Draw a solid donut shape
83 DONUT DO Draw a solid donut shape
84 DSVIEWER AV Opens ariel view of drawing
85 DTEXT DT Single line dynamic text - Justify/Align to fit within text
86 DTEXT TEXT Single line dynamic text
87 DVIEW DV Perspective view
88 DVIEW DV Perspective view.
89 DYNMODE F12 Turns dynamic input on/off
90 EATTEXT EATTEXT Enhanced attribute extraction wizard to count blocks
91 ELLIPSE EL Draw an ellipse
92 ENDPOINT END Snap to end of line etc
93 ERASE E Erase a selection
94 ERASE E Erase selection
95 EXTEND EX Extend a selection
96 EXTEND EX Extend a line to meet another
97 EXTENSION EXT Extends lines beyond endpoint
98 EXTRUDE EXT Extrude a face
99 FENCE F Objects touch by single selection fence
100 FILLET F Draw an arc between 2 intersecting lines
101 FILLET F Draw an arc between 2 intersecting lines
102 FILLET F Draw an arc between 2 intersecting lines
103 FILTER FI Opens filter dialogue box
104 FIND FIND Opens find and replace dialogue box
105 FLATTEN FLATTEN Converts 3D to 2D
106 FROM FRO Snap to an offset distance from an object snap
107 GATTE GATTE Global attribute edit of multiple blocks
108 GRID F7 or CTRL+G Turns grid on/off
109 GROUP G Launches the group dialogue box
110 GROUP G Opens object grouping dialogue
111 GROUP G Opens object grouping dialogue - use to copy or move
112 GROUP G Opens object grouping dialogue - use with copy/move/etc
113 HATCH H Opens hatch and gradient dialogue box
114 HATCH H Opens hatch and gradient dialogue box
115 HELP F1 Opens Autocad help
116 ID ID Display the co-ordinate values of a point
117 ID ID Display the co-ordinate values of a point
118 IMAGE IM Launches image manager
119 INSERT I Opens insert dialogue to insert a block
120 INSERT I Insert a block
121 INSERTION INS Snap to insertion point of text or block
122 INTERSECT IN Intersect an object
123 INTERSECTION INT Snap to intersection of lines, circles, arcs
124 ISOPLANE F5 or CTRL+E Cycles through isoplanes
125 JOIN J Joins 2 objects to form single object
126 JPGOUT JPGOUT Creates a JPEG file of current drawing
127 JUSTIFYTEXT JUSTIFYTEXT Change the justification point without moving text
128 LAST L Most recently created visible object
129 LAYER LA Opens layer manager
130 LAYER LA Opens layer manager
131 LAYER LA Opens layer manager
132 LAYERCURRENT LAYCUR Change objects to current layer
133 LAYERDELETE LAYDEL Delete a layer by selecting object
134 LAYERFREEZE LAYFRZ Freeze a layer by selecting object
135 LAYERISOLATE LAYISO Isolates a layer by selecting object
136 LAYERLOCK LAYLCK Lock a layer by selecting object
137 LAYERMATCH LAYMCH Match properties of a layer
138 LAYERMERGE LAYMRG Moves objects from first layer to second and deletes first
139 LAYEROFF LAYOFF Switches a layer off
140 LAYERON LAYON Switches all layers on except frozen layers
141 LAYERPREVIOUS LAYERP Restores previous layer state
142 LAYERWALK LAYWALK Walk through layers
143 -LAYOUT LO Creates a new layout tab
144 LAYTHW LAYTHW Thaws all layers
145 LEADER LEAD Leader line with annotation
146 LEADER LEAD Leader line with annotation
147 LENGTHEN LEN Lengthen or shorten a line
148 LINE L Draw a line
149 LINE L Draw a line
150 LIST LI or LS Display information about objects in a text window
151 LIST LI or LS Display information about objects in a text window
152 LMAN LMAN Access Layer manager to save and restore layer states
153 LTScale LTS Change the linetype scale
154 LTSCALE LTS Change the linetype scale
155 LWEIGHT LW Opens line weight settings dialogue box
156 MASSPROP MASSPROP Calculate the region/mass properties of a solid
157 MATCHPROPERTIES MA Match properties of an object
158 MATCHPROPERTIES MA Match properties of an object
159 MEASURE ME Inserts point node at input distance
160 MIDPOINT MID Snap to midpoint of line etc
161 MINSERT MINSERT Insert block in rectangular array
162 MIRROR MI Mirror an object
163 MIRRTEXT MIRRTEXT Mirrtext 0 to turn off
164 MLINE ML Draw multilines
165 MOVE M Move a selection
166 MOVE M Move an object
167 MSPACE MS Switch to modelspace in a viewport
168 MTEXT T Insert multiline text
169 MTEXT T Multi-line text
170 MTEXT T or MT Multiline/paragraph text
171 MVIEW MV Make a viewport in paperspace
172 NEAREST NEA Snap near to an object
173 NEW CTRL+N Opens create new drawing dialogue box
174 NODE NOD Snap to point node
175 NONE NON Turns off object snap modes
176 Ø %%C Diameter dimensioning symbol
177 OBJECT OB Align UCS with an object, first select UCS
178 OFFSET O Offset a selection
179 OFFSET O Offset an object by distance
180 OFFSET O Offset an object by distance
181 OPEN CTRL+O Opens the select file dialogue box
182 OPTIONS OP Launches options dialogue box
183 OPTIONS OP Launches options dialogue box
184 ORTHO F8 or CTRL+L Turns ortho on/off
185 OSNAP F3 Switches osnap on/off
186 OSNAP F3 Switches osnap on/off
187 OSNAP TRACK F11 or Turns object snap tracking on/off
188 OSNAP TRACK F11 or Turns object snap tracking on/off
189 OVERSCORE %%O Toggles overscore mode on/off
190 PAN P Pan in drawing
191 PARALLEL PAR Continues a line parallel to existing
192 PASTECLIP CTRL+V Pastes data from clipboard to drawing
193 PERPENDICULAR PER Snap to perpendicular of line etc
194 PLINE PL Draw a polyline
195 PLINE PL Draw a polyline - a complex line
196 PLOT CTRL+P Opens the plot dialogue box
197 PLOT PLOT Opens plot/print dialogue box
198 POINT PO Point marker or node - DDPTYPE to change pointstyle
199 POINT PO Point marker or node - DDPTYPE to change pointstyle
200 POLAR F10 or CTRL+U Turns polar on/off
201 POLYEDIT PE Edit a polyline
202 POLYGON POL Draw a regular polygon 3 to 1024 sides
203 PREVIEW PRE Preview a plot
204 PREVIOUS P Most recent selection set
205 PROPERTIES CTRL+1 Turns properties on/off
206 PROPERTIES PR Opens properties dialogue box
207 PROPERTIES PR Opens properties dialogue box
208 PSPACE PS Switch to paperspace from viewport
209 PURGE PU Opens purge dialogue box to remove unused elements
210 QLEADER LE Draw a leader line (may need to adjust settings)
211 QLEADER LE Draw a leader line (may need to adjust settings)
212 QSAVE CTRL+S Opens the save drawing as dialogue box
213 QUADRANT QUA Snap to quadrant of circle, arc, ellipse
214 QUICKCALC CTRL+8 Launches calculator window
215 RAY RAY Construction line in one direction
216 RECTANG REC Draw a rectangle
217 RECTANG REC Draw a rectangle
218 REDO CTRL+Y Performs the operation cancelled by UNDO
219 REFEDIT REFEDIT Edit a block reference in place
220 REFEDIT REFEDIT Edit an external reference in place
221 REGEN RE Regenerate the display
222 REGION REG Region - for shading for example
223 REMOVE R Objects to remove from selection set
224 RENAME REN Opens rename dialogue box to rename blocks, layers, etc
225 RENAME REN Opens rename dialogue box to rename blocks, layers, etc
226 RENDER RR Open render dialogue box
227 REVCLOUD REVCLOUD Revision cloud - note can select a polyline
228 REVOLVE REV Revolves an object about an axis
229 ROTATE RO Rotate a selection
230 ROTATE RO Rotate an object
231 SCALE SC Scale an object
232 SCALETEXT SCALETEXT Scales text without moving the text insertion point
233 SECTION SE Section
234 SHEETSET SSM Opens sheet set manager palette
235 SLICE SL Slice a solid
236 SNAP F9 or CTRL+B Turns snap on/off
237 SNAP F9 or CTRL+B Turns snap on/off
238 SNAPANGLE SNAPANG Change the snap angle from default 0°
239 SPELL SP Spell check a selection - ALL to check entire drawing
240 SPELLCHECK SPELL Performs spellcheck - ALL checks all text in drawing
241 SPLINE SPL Spline or smooth curve along points
242 STRETCH S Stretch an object
243 STYLE ST Opens text style dialogue box
244 SUBTRACT SU Subtract selection from solid
245 TABLE TB Opens insert a table dialogue box
246 TABLESTYLE TS Opens table style dialogue box
247 TANGENT TAN Snap to tangent of circle, arc, ellipse
248 TCIRCLE TCIRCLE Places circle, slot, or rectangle around each selected text
249 TEXT DT Single line text
250 TEXTFIT TEXTFIT Stretches/shrinks text by selecting new start and/or end points
251 TEXTSCR F2 Switches between text screen and graphic area
252 TOOLPALETTES CTRL+3 Turns tool palettes window on/off
253 TOOLPALETTES TP Displays toolpalette
254 TOOLPALETTES TP Displays toolpalette
255 TORIENT TORIENT Rotates text, mtext, and attribute definition objects
256 TORUS TOR Draw torus shape
257 TRACK TK Locate points without drawing lines
258 TRIM TR Trim a selection
259 TRIM TR Trim objects
260 TT TT Temporary tracking point
262 UCS UCS UCS command line options
263 UCS UCS Universal co-ordinate system options
264 UCSICON UCSICON Change the UCS icon appearance
265 UNDERSCORE %%U Toggles underscore on/off
266 UNDO CTRL+Z Undoes the last operation
267 UNDO U Undo last command
268 UNION UNI Union solids
269 UNITS UN Opens units dialogue box
270 UNITS UN Opens drawing
271 VIEW V Opens view dialogue box
272 VPORTS VPORTS Opens viewport dialogue box
273 VPORTS VPORTS Opens viewports dialogue box
274 WBLOCK W Write a block - for use in other drawings
275 WBLOCK W Write a block
276 WEDGE WE Draw a wedge
277 WHOHAS WHOHAS Displays who has a drawing open
278 WINDOW W Objects enclosed by window - Move left to right
279 WIPEOUT WIPEOUT Masks part of drawing for clarity
280 WIPEOUT WIPEOUT Masks part of drawing for clarity
281 WORLD W Return to the WCS
282 WPOLYGON WP Objects within a window polygon
283 XATTACH XA Opens select reference file dialogue for attaching Xref
284 XBIND XB Opens Xbind dialogue - allows import only of symbols etc
285 XCLIP XC Create a border in an xref to hide outside area
286 XLINE XL Construction line of infinite length
287 XLIST XLIST Lists type/block name/layer name/color/linetype of a
288 XLIST XLIST Lists type/block name/layer name/color/linetype of a
289 XOPEN XOPEN Opens a selected xref in a new window
290 CTRL+A Select all
291 CTRL+H Turns a group on or off
292 CTRL+J Repeats last command
293 CTRL+PAGE DOWN Switch down between layout tabs
294 CTRL+PAGE DOWN Switch down between layout tabs
295 CTRL+PAGE UP Switch up between layout tabs
296 CTRL+PAGE UP Switch up between layout tabs
297 CTRL+R Cycle through viewports
298 CTRL+SHIFT+S Save as
299 CTRL+TAB Switches between open drawings
300 ± %%P Plus/minus symbol
301 ° %%D Degrees symbol


  1. Thanks Mr. Mohd. Ali Khan. to share the auto cad command & i will practice with this command.

  2. Glad to know that this post is Helping You..... Thanks too

  3. circle command is mention two time in the list please edit this

    1. Thanks for your suggestion, I'll follow.............

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